(as per August 2015)
The name of the organization shall be:
The object of the association shall be to provide an international forum for exchanging information and developing new knowledge in the field of trauma surgery and intensive care, whether by clinical experience or laboratory investigation.
Membership in the organization shall be limited to medical doctors of good professional standing, who have a major interest and an active practice in trauma surgery and/or intensive care and who are members of ISS. Contributions to the scientific literature pertinent to trauma surgery and intensive care will be an important factor in determining membership.
There shall be three (3) types of members: Active, Senior and Honorary.
Active members - shall consist of original charter members and all members subsequently elected. They must pay the annual dues established by the general assembly. They may vote, serve as officers of the organization and on committees. They shall receive the World Journal of Surgery. The number of active members shall not be limited.
Senior members - active members who have reached the age of 65 years become senior members by application. Senior members shall have voting privileges but may not be eligible for election to office. Senior members are not required to pay annual dues. The subscription to World Journal of Surgery may be obtained at special rates. Senior members enjoy all other responsibilities and privileges of active membership.
Honorary members - shall consist of surgeons who have made outstanding contributions to trauma surgery and/or intensive care. They shall have no voting privileges, nor be eligible for election to office, nor be subject to assessment for dues. They shall receive the World Journal of Surgery without charge.
A biennial assembly of the association shall be held in accordance with the bylaws and in concordance with the biennial assembly of the International Society of Surgery / Société Internationale de Chirurgie (ISS/SIC).
Officers of the association shall consist of President, President-elect, Secretary/ Treasurer, and immediate Past-President, all to be elected as provided in the bylaws. The officers of the association shall constitute the Executive Committee of the association. The Chair of the Education Committee shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee.
There shall be a Council of the association consisting of the officers, seven (7) at-large Council members securing wide geographic representation, Chair of each standing committee, the Editor-in-Chief of the World Journal of Surgery (WJS) and the IATSIC representative on WJS editorial board. One third of the at-large Council members shall be elected on a two-year cycle.
The IATSIC representative on the WORLD JOURNAL OF SURGERY (WJS) editorial board shall be selected and appointed by the Executive Committee.
The association may alter or repeal any article of this constitution by a three-fourths affirmative vote of the members present at the biennial business meeting, provided a copy of the proposed change(s) has been delivered to each accessible member at least sixty days in advance of the assembly meeting.
ARTICLE VII - International Society of Surgery/Société Internationale de Chirurgie (ISS/SIC)
The association shall function under the auspices of the International Society of Surgery / Société Internationale de Chirurgie (ISS/SIC) as a collective member society. All members of IATSIC are required to be members of the ISS/SIC. IATSIC shall have representation on the Executive Council of ISS/SIC, as well as on the Editorial Board of the WORLD JOURNAL OF SURGERY (WJS). ISS/SIC shall be responsible for the central administrative duties, including collection of annual dues, maintenance of the association website and membership roles, receiving and care for all records belonging to the association, and selection of the biennial meeting site along with the principle arrangements. The ISS/SIC shall have no authority regarding the contents of the scientific program of IATSIC, however, will collect all abstracts, register them and send them for anonymous evaluation to the referees designated by IATSIC.
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